Garden of Dreams | Original Art | Illustration
Garden of dreams
I feel you
I see you
I want you
I dream of you
I hear the echos in my heart
Do not let me go
I call you
In the pieces of my life
I hear your voice between my words
From my silence I call you
From my tears I meet you
From my passion I love you
I hear the questions of my life
How will I pass through this life
How will I be guided
How will I guide
What will I need
What will I speak
Will I find my truth
What will I continue
What will I give up
How will I let go
How will I love
How will I feel
Questions of life
I have been holding on
Dreams do not go
I am here
holding my love
Entwined in your kiss
Garden of dreams
I am holding on to your silence
With my love
Garden of Dreams | Original Art | Illustration
Original size of the Illustration is A5, but Prints are available in few different sizes.